How awesome is "falling back"? I've loved it for years, as it inevitably means either an extra hour of sleep OR the chance to stay up late and get more done (this year it meant both). This year has been the best "falling back" ever, though!
We've had a pretty crazy few weeks - busier than I can remember ever being, probably. First, we replaced our 30 year-old carpet on our entire upper level. Trying to move out of 3 kids' bedrooms was a disaster! I also took time that week to repaint those hastily-painted rooms. Note to self: painting after dark, when you are afraid you will never be the same again after a breast cancer diagnosis, does not lead to a really great paint job!
Next, Halloween put me through the ringer! Family visits (love the Kays!), family fun (Crossroads Village and Huckleberry Railroad was so great, as was Halloween in GP Park and the Halloween Hoot), and three class parties on the same day (not just showing up for those, either- lots and lots of activities to bring to each) made that week fly by.
Last, 5th grade camp! - 3 days of fun with 200 5th and 6tth graders and their chaperones (though I was only responsible for about 20-40 really pretty well-behaved children)...3 days away makes a week fly by. On top of all of this, we've had 3 sports converging over these past few weeks - outdoor soccer ended in a flurry while indoor soccer was beginning for both girls, and E began basketball as well. So we've had three busy weeks plus at least one and as many as 3 sport-activities in a day during those weeks!
Needless to say, I've been flying. It's fall cleanup time! The temps have been dipping...the chickens' coop needed to be made ready for winter! Last, I can't handle a giant mess, or no exercise, so to fit everything in I've had to sprout wings. I'm used to moving pretty quickly these days.
Imagine how awesome it is for someone who has become used to squeezing things in with minutes to spare, to look at the clock, figure out how to fit everything in, and THEN realize that clock hasn't been changed and I HAVE AN EXTRA HOUR!!!!!!!!!!! Or, and this has probably been happening more - I'm looking at the light outside and realizing I have to do something (the sun is almost up! Emma should be on the bus! It's been dark for awhile, time to get in bed!), and then looking at a properly-set clock and realizing I have more time. It's been happening for 2 days straight now! (SIGH of contentment to have that extra time...SIGH of realization that I'm going to have to change all those clocks soon AND I'm going to get used to the new light outside so these little time-mind-games are almost over.)
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