Monday, May 14, 2012

Cranbrook Annual Spring Plant Sale

Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year... the Cranbrook House and Gardens Auxilary Spring Plant Sale. 

It's a fabulous sale on the ground of the Cranbook House and Gardens, run by the wonderful volunteers of the Cranbrook House and Gardens Auxiliary..  They have all sorts of plants available - perennials that have been donated by volunteers, herbs, vegetable plants, succulents and annuals started in the greenhouses. The Native Plant section of the sale is my favorite.

Shopping this sale has been a tradition of mine since 2003. I did it back when I had toddlers in tow, my husband went in my place in 2008 when I was at chemo instead. I love waiting in line with all of the other die-hard gardeners, listening to them plot as to what they want to grab first. I admire the volunteers who spend hours and hours in the cold wet springtime saving our state's native wildflowers from building sites.

Trillium bought in 2007

Moved to the new is 2011

This year! We've had a warm spring, so though this photo is taken only it's only 2 days later in the year, the trillium are all pinky...the Solomon's Seal are in their glory.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Before and After photos - 5 years later

These pictures show the front of my house in May (or April) of 2007, and then today (5/13/17).

In April of 2007, the mulch in front of our home hid a ton of river stones, which I had to remove by hand and transport to another location in my yard (horrible job, but I made a dry stream bed with the rocks).  I hauled in a bunch of compost, planted 4 Annabelle Hydrangea behind the red maple, with a few varieties of hosta in front.     

My photos leave much to be desired but it's fun to see the progress!